The Effect of Imperata Cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv on Learning and memory performance in a single and prolonged exposure treatments of Drosophila Melanogaster transgenic flies overexpressing the paralytic gene


  • Ssempijja Fred, Marta Vicente-Crespo, Dare Samuel Sunday and Edmund Eriya Bukenya



Imperata cylindrica root extract is neuropreotective and is used by Luo people in Kenya
and Uganda to manage epileptic fits (personal communication); the herb controls
seizures in parabss flies by reducing Na+ and K+ channel activity. Brain anatomical
changes, muscular activity as well as changes in learning and memory function that
could arise in these flies from use of the herbas an anti-epileptic molecule during acute
and chronic control of seizures were the objectives of our study. Learning and memory
response was studied by an Aversive Phototaxic Suppression and brain
histomorphological changes were analysed on brain tissues using Haematoxylin and
Eosin plus Klüversstaining techniques Our results have further confirmed the promise
of Imperata cylindrica as an anti-epileptic drug and have shown that not only treats
the convulsions but ameliorates associated electrophysiological and cognitive
malfunctions. The extract also ameliorated the abnormal brain histomorphology after
prolonged treatment. There was only relief of symptoms in acute exposure treatments
unlike in chronic exposure treatments where the extract and sodium valproate cured the
brain cellular biological defects.
Keywords: Imperata cylindrical, learning, memory performance, drosophilia, paralytic




Ssempijja Fred, Marta Vicente-Crespo, Dare Samuel Sunday and Edmund Eriya Bukenya (2022).The Effect of Imperata Cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv on Learning and memory performance in a single and prolonged exposure treatments of Drosophila Melanogaster transgenic flies overexpressing the paralytic gene. IDOSR JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY, BIOTECHNOLOGY AND ALLIED FIELDS 7(1): 12-22, 2022.


