Design and Construction of an Automatic Load Monitoring System on a Transformer in Power Distribution Networks.


  •   Natumanya Akimu



The reseach aims to design and implement an automatic loading monitoring system on a
distrition on a transformer, This research work presents design and the prototype of a
single functional model device that can be used to monitor transformer load on a given line
and switch off the line in case of detected overloading activity on that very line. This
ensures that only the line causing overload is switched off without switching off or
shutting down the entire power equipment. The device model shows the load status on
each line being monitored and trip the line seen causing the overload using power relays.
The trip information notification is then sent to the technical team in form of SMS to alert
them that transformer x has open on overload. The trip data is then displayed on the
display. Various components have been assembled to ensure that the system work
effectiively and reliably. Proper means of protection and communication has been
employed to ensure discrimination and timely communication. Distribution companies can
easily configur犀利士
e this automatic load monitoring device on a distribution transformer at the
time it’s installation.
Keywords: GSM, ATMEGA, AVR, enhanced architecture),active low module and pin pulling.




Natumanya Akimu (2022).Design and Construction of an Automatic Load Monitoring System on a
Transformer in Power Distribution Networks.IDOSR JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 7(1) 58-76


